Health and Wellness

  Power of your Thoughts 2
  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  Cosgrove:Room 518 Door 18 West Entrance

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


The energy of our thoughts play a huge role in how we are physically and emotionally. Our body will release chemistry that supports the thought.
                             Every thought is a communication with your cells.
                                               Think about that ……….
In this fun, interactive workshop, Ann Knapp of Natural Energy Wellness will show you how your thoughts are energy, and you have the power to change your current reality.
You will experience:

  • How your conscious mind has a direct impact on the energy around you
  • How you can make transformative changes that influence physical health, relationships and the achievement of personal goals.
  • You will utilize tools that have been used for thousands of years to see the unseen world of thought energy.
  • What are brainwaves and what impact do they have on us.
  • Interactive classes using energy to find item around the room