
  Iphone Photography
  10/10/2024 - 12/3/2024
  6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


This is a 2 session class.

First class will now be held October 10th; not October 3rd. 

Capture stunning iPhone photos with insider tips! Unlock hidden menus, master its options, and

explore camera features in this hands-on class. Led by a seasoned amateur photographer with 40 years
of experience and over 7 million Google Maps views of his own photos. Perfect for all iPhone users eager to enhance their photography skills. Parent must attend with child 12 and up.
The first class will be an introduction and review of what the iphone photographic capabilities are. There will be homework assigned and then the 2nd class will be review and discussion. 
$20 ( total for 2 classes ) 


Deadline to Register one week before class starts.