Personal Growth

  Stress Management Overview
  9/25/2024 - 10/16/2024
  10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
  District Office:Rooms 15
  Stephanie Banach

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Stress is inevitable! However, with the right tools, it can be managed so it doesn’t consume you. This class is geared to provide an overview of various stress management tools that you can begin implementing right away. It will include gentle movements that can be done in a chair.

You’ll gain a better understanding of the impact that stress can have on your health and well-being, including your relationships, as well as the difference between acute and chronic stress. By practicing the tools you use in class, you'll be able to reduce daily stress so you can feel more at ease, calm, and truly present for the moments and people you love most!
4 Classes 


Great Personal Growth