ADHD Executive Functioning

  ADHD Executive Functioning
  4/27/2024 - 5/18/2024
  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  Nicole Johnson

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This is a 2 part series ( April 27th and May 18th ) 
$50 includes both sessions 

Session 1- Decoding Executive Functioning April  27
In this first session, we'll delve into what executive functioning really is
and how it significantly impacts daily life, particularly in the realms of
education and day-to-day activities. Learn about practical applications
and real-life examples to grasp the importance of these skills. Child
Success and less stress is our goal - tips and strategies that can be
immediately implemented to assist children in developing and honing
these vital skills.
Session 2 - Empowering Executive Functioning  May 18 
We will foster a collaborative environment where parents and caregivers
can actively engage with each other, sharing experiences, resources,
and successful strategies related to executive functioning. Interactive
elements, encourages active participation, we will share what works in
your home and in the classroom.